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Advantage Real Estate Team

Meet the Team!

Advantage Real Estate has gained a well–deserved reputation as a top Parkersburg real estate brokerage company. We couldn’t have done this without our professional and well–trained staff. We want you to know who you’ll be talking to and dealing with, so here are some introductions.

Traci D Strahler Chichester

Traci D Strahler Chichester REALTOR

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Karen S Strahler

Karen S Strahler REALTOR

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Nancy A Arthur

Nancy A Arthur Owner WV Broker

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Desni L Crock

Desni L Crock Broker , Advantage Real Estate

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Dave D Chichester

Dave D Chichester REALTOR

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Justin Arthur

Justin Arthur REALTOR

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John “J.J.” Bichard

John “J.J.” Bichard REALTOR

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Sharon Hoffee

Sharon Hoffee REALTOR

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Rhonda Hower

Rhonda Hower REALTOR

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Matthew Fitzgerald

Matthew Fitzgerald REALTOR

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Stevi Heslop

Stevi Heslop REALTOR

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Diana Antill

Diana Antill REALTOR

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